We adopted Casey from the Lucas County Dog Warden on February 3, 2003. Casey’s first owner was a retired woman who passed away suddenly. In case your wondering Casey is a Miniature Schnauzer and his hair color is black and silver.
We’re lucky that he is up to date on all of his shots and is altered. He was born on May 19, 1998 and for the most part he’s a good boy. When we lived in Toledo, he had a close encounter with a squirrel and lost. Several stiches later he was fine. In Corpus Christi, Casey liked to chase the dozen or so stray cats that the neighbor feeds. He also enjoys chasing the birds along the Gulf beaches.
Casey loves his new home in Indiana. We have a house now and we have a back yard with a pond and a back porch door that Casey can look out at and bark at things. There is also a Chocolate Lab that has a fenced in yard across the way and him and Casey run up and down the fence and play. We’ll have to set up a playdate with them eventually.
Casey gets his picture taken all the time…he’s got his own section in our photo gallery.
Casey also starred in a story for WTOL News 11. Check out the archived story.